Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ramallah Piper

Preached in Ramleh on end of the world. Spent night at Michael's and came I home.

I bought a flute from this guy a few weeks. ago and recorded him and posted it on facebook. him playing flute in ramallah. his flutes are made in bethlehem.

came home after noon and had lunch with Dad and Najwa. Don't know why Yusra seems to want to sit by me. Lord  Jesus touch her and open her eyes and heart to your love

Monday, August 29, 2016

Juju's Dancing

Preached at Chruch this morning about prophecies -- very well received -- then I went to Bethlehem with Michael and family and went to wedding. Saw Magdy and Rema and then saw FAdi and Sandrene. Good reunion and beautiful wedding in the Church of Nativity.
As soon as I entered, a monk took me  aside and asked if I was on TV. He thanked me so much for what I do and said he really appreciated what we do.

Later found out that in Ramallah many women who get cable ask for Father Zakaria's station.

I have been recognized in bot the Church of the Holy Seplurchre and the Church of the Nativity

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Monday, Monday

 Stayed at home mostly with Dad and Najwa. I spoke with Naj. about not htinking its right everyone wants me to stay here for a year. she said ihmaydi is coming -- not sure when. i'm glad i got it out. it felt bad.
dad was OK. The dr. came by and did exercises it was good.
the next day dad was walking a lot better

Hissen went back to U.S.

About grapes:

there must be some chemical inside them that makes them turn purple when they mature and also makes them turn sweet

almost all grapes on dads front dalia are done but I found out there is another one in the back that i didn't know about

Miracle Weekend

I went to Ramallah and had a hankering to go to Jerusalem. When I got on Jerusalem bus, I found there were two seats empty though the whole bus was full. I went to Jerusalem and no one was at church. I went to Holy Sepulchre again:

While I was there, a guy saw me from far away and came up to me and shook my hand saying he sees me all the time with Z. Then I went out and was going in direction of Austrian Hospice when Reem saw me and called out. Ended up going to spend night at Bassem's house and then in the morning I went to Bassme's store and took key back. Sat and had good time with Bassme a few hours and then went to Ash.... Had good time with Sim. Went swimming in sea. Then spoke at meeting the next day. There were six peoplle,
Next Day went and spent night in Metropole hotel in Jerusalem, not bad. Then went to Ramallah and spoke about Pharaoh's four offers to Moses. Great reaction. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tying Up My Memories

I wanted to continue my  post about grapes. I think one day I may enjoy reading it. How grapes became a warm spot in my heart -- a memory. First of all these are grapes from the Holy Land. When I first arrived here in June, the grapes were small and sour. I still ate them just I could feel I was eating something from my father's vine. It felt good that my father's house had a mature vine that produced good grapes on it. It is now August 18. I have been through many changes -- Dad had another stroke and we spent many days in a hospital with him. Now we're home. Najwa is here. Dad is very weak.
But the grapes are black and mature now. I've eaten almost all of them. I've hardly left any of them. Yesterday, like many times before, I sat at the gate yesterday with dad. I took two big kutf grapes and we sat and ate together the grapes one by one. 

It was a precious moment that feels like a moment to do something I have come to call: Tying up my memories. It's as if I needed to touch these memories so I can let them go. Reminds me of a line of my song Sierra -- Do I have to write a song so I can let it go 
                           Do I have to make it rhyme to know that it was so

There were several open strands that were open that seem to have been closed

The Dean Martin Roasts -- with Lawanda Page
Sanford and Son
Beverly Hillbiliies
I Love Lucy (with Amo Issa)

The grapes seem to be closing up a memory. It feels like my Heavenly FAther is letting me tie up these memories to be able to let them go and move on

About the grapes: They were tiny and sour when I first came. They were green and yellow with one black in a bundle. They changed slowly with the season. This past month and a half  they matured and ripened. 

There's one memory that I would like to have "Sambo's" pancake restaurant

Morning Blues

Woke up in a hissy fit but have been very quiet. Yusara swung around that silver cup of hers in teh kitchen -- I wonder what that means?

Yesterday was a long day. Lots of guests and then Dr. Khaled came

Dad slipped by the door coming in after he and I were siting outside for a while

I went to pray at Akram's but dogs went bezerk like the night before.

will go to a this weekend

lots of guests came by including baker and his wife
Assam's brother and Lucy

Not sure who else but it was fun

Russia moving its jets into Iranian air stations in Syria which is being called a game changer

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


bored to death today. want to get out dont know if i cand

Najwa is here and people are coming to see Dad

Fatima called this morning

Najwa is so good with dad

last time i was here I had to take dad to the mosq. twice a day
this time i haven't gone once.
one time dad was pressuring me to take him in front of atta's store and the veg. man came and started intervening saying it wasn't good to go because of the attack that had happened the day before (nimmer)

i prayed much about this

now with  dads condition, i don't know wheh he'll be able to go

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Identity Message (Dad will go home tomorrow)

Preached in church today about the ways to overcome sin which includes the identity of the believer. Dad is in hospital still will go home tomorrow. Najat wants me to go with her probably to get the money from Ihmaydi.
Najwa supposed to come tomorrow.
One reason I’m here is dad. Another is Ihmaydi stayed five months and I felt I should be here. He bought grace for the rest with his good deed.

Rahifa is here right now.

I spent some time with Rami and he is still wanting to leave. I gave him 100 shekel to bring me home  from church

Good to have Michael and Jackie back.

Dr. Khaled came and had dad stand up. That was good

Not sure how to feel. Mom wants me to go back.  I want to. I’m feeling a little trapped to be honest even though I haven’t renewed my visa yet.

Am not feeling too great but still have a glimmer of hope.

Its going to cost a lot to pay for this hospital stay. I’m glad I get one more night away from the house

Dad just cried. I asked him why, He said, “They said something about something…” but it is Bab al Harra made up show. I told him its all lies.

He cries about everything. Waleed said I should give him anti depressants but Dr. Aziz said no. Dr. Khaled also said that anti depressants lower the system rather which isn’t good.

Good news Juju of Juju's DAncing got engaged today -- she will marry

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Musallam Hospital

Thursday night after I preached in church, I was on my way back home in the taxi, Najat called and told me to go meet her at Red Crescent hospital because Dad needed to go there. Then I was told to go pick up dad at teh house and go get Najat and take him to Red Cresecent.
At REd Crescent they said they couldn't do CT scan and said he had to go to Ra'aih or Musallam. Ended up coming here to Musallam. Taht's where I am now writing this.
Dad has been here since. He was two days in intensive care. Had CT scan and chest. I helped push him in and have been here with him almsot hte whole time.

Wael and two friends also came and I went to lunch with them and came back.

Its the third day now and dad was moved to his own room. I am planning to sleep here with him tonight and will go preach tomorrow morning.

Najwa supposed to come in two days. Don't know about nassri

I don't know what this means for me being here. Dad will start physical therapy tomorrow with Dr. Khaled coming here.

Dr. Aziz was very nice to me. He is wonderful doctor and has been overseeing Dad's situation.

Lot of guests have come to see dad

Amo Issa
his son
Abdel Aziz
his son
Adam (her son)
her daughter
another man I don't know
Himaydi's friend

Tawfiq spoke to him on phone

Son of Judah AbdJawad

Met people from Rafah here too

Also, should say Dad had a stroke another one

Doctors really nice to me here

If  I wanted a song to remember this time by it would be this:

Musallam Hospital

Thursday night after I preached in church, I was on my way back home in the taxi, Najat called and told me to go meet her at Red Crescent hospital because Dad needed to go there. Then I was told to go pick up dad at teh house and go get Najat and take him to Red Cresecent.
At REd Crescent they said they couldn't do CT scan and said he had to go to Ra'aih or Musallam. Ended up coming here to Musallam. Taht's where I am now writing this.
Dad has been here since. He was two days in intensive care. Had CT scan and chest. I helped push him in and have been here with him almsot hte whole time.

Wael and two friends also came and I went to lunch with them and came back.

Its the third day now and dad was moved to his own room. I am planning to sleep here with him tonight and will go preach tomorrow morning.

Najwa supposed to come in two days. Don't know about nassri

I don't know what this means for me being here. Dad will start physical therapy tomorrow with Dr. Khaled coming here.

Dr. Aziz was very nice to me. He is wonderful doctor and has been overseeing Dad's situation.

Lot of guests have come to see dad

Amo Issa
his son
Abdel Aziz
his son
Adam (her son)
her daughter
another man I don't know
Himaydi's friend

Tawfiq spoke to him on phone

Son of Judah AbdJawad

Met people from Rafah here too

Also, should say Dad had a stroke another one

Doctors really nice to me here

song for this time

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mahfouz' sons wedding

Yesterday I went to the wedding party in Beir Zeit with everyone in the van - Aziz, Najat, Amoura, Ribhia, Aziz wife. Went to Grand Hotel in Beir Zeit. Sat around in the outside smoking area with the men the whole time.
Had fun met some guys from Mizra'aa Sharqiyeh (where wife is from) the women were downstairs with Henna

When men got up to pray, I was on phone talking.

Tuesday I went to lunch at Umsabah restaurant Dibwani, more men came. It was fun got to know Mahfouz's oldest son 36 years old and the groom who is younger. He is a cable car driver in SF. Nice kids.

Today is wedding. Haven't gone yet.

Am really loving this worship song

Something I kind of have learned about myself. There seems to be a pattern of associating myself with the worst. I remember when I watched Ghostbusters all those times, I always associated myself with the loser neighbor. When I watched, "It could happen to you," I associated myself with the loser husband and so on and so on. I break this way of thinking in the Name of Jesus. I am a son of God in the power of the Mighty Holy Spirit. 

I am trying to be as nice as possible I've discovered how dark Yusara can be when hurt. It is frightening. I better walk on egg shells.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hard Time at Ridgemont High

I raised the subject of my dad's social security money with the madamm here. It led to hell. I was bad. She was really bad. We're not talking to each other now.
It got so bad, I led worship at church and someone said, "Steve is upset," later.

IT was fun to led worship at church though

I am preaching thursday night too

I heard her talk to her daughter about leaving etc. That would leave me here alone -- like last time they tried.

I went to bed scared I'd wake up and she'd be gone. She went to Ramallh with granddaughters. I really thought she wasn't coming back. I was so relieved when she did come back.

When I came home Sunday from Chruch she had muslim tv on all day till the night. She figured out its a way to get me out of the house.

it works. I hate listening to that evil spirits

Dad started crying when I came home from church. I asked him what was wrong. I didn't understand what he said. But I took him to sit outside and then we went to Atta's all his friends came by and he was happy. One reminded him of his van that wouldn't stop until he pumped the brakes for a mile. He started laughing

We have our blow ups about every two or three days. We then forget and go on as if nothing happened. Maybe we're both so stressed adn scared. I need her. She needs me. We're both scared that we will forsake each other. Kind of like a marriage.

God help me.

Monir Habib has been contacting me a lot lately. He's been a real rock in the midst of this all. It's ben so painful dealing with her. He's the only friend I can talk to. God is faithful to send help

they gave me 250 shekels after i led worship

What has been a strange blessing is a woman at church. She really like my preaching and always comes up to me afterwards to tell me how she was nominal christian but then gave her life to the Lord recently. She has had wonderful miracles with her husband and children and he sister came with her this week and accepted the Lord  (or rededicated). thank you Father.

Atta also started preaching yesterday. He told me about a muslim who  went to christian seminary. there he was quizzed by the priest and successfully answered all 40 questions. Then the muslim turned around and asked the priest "I just have one question for you. What is key of heaven."
The priest didn't know or whatever and said how islam is superior or something like that. So Atta asked me, "What is the key of heaven?" I said: "We don't use those expressions but if you mean what gets us into heaven, it the Blood of Jesus."

he asked over and over what I said as he didn't understand.

When he finally understood, he said: "Nooooooo. the final religion came and said...."

then he went on a tawhid trip. I asked him if it was written in the Quran. He said it was in many verses. then he went on a tangent and someone came up and we changed the subject

But I got to say: "WE (meaning Christians) say the blood of Jesus guarantees us access to heaven."

That was worth the trip

Friday, August 5, 2016

The 1 Who Came to U came to me

Today I felt the need to go to Jerusalem. When I was there I visited my church but no one was there so I went to the Church of the Holy Sepluchre, read the crucifixion in all four gospels. Then I went and saw Mot. He was there as he was 10 years ago when I last saw him.
He hasn't changed at all.
He said he left the Christians. HE said "because they left me."
At the end of our time together I told him, "

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Message of Jonah

I preached at Ramleh Church again tonight. It was great. I preached on Jonah. People applauded several times (twice) which is several to me. Great time with P. Mnr. Also went with Anoos and his friend Musa to Ramallah. Ate Mexican food and then walked around. Went to Arafat's grave and came home. I went back to Ramallah and prepared for church.

I have recorded most of my ARabic sermons just not sure how to upload them.

Went to funeral for Anbar - after prayer at mosque (which I didn't go to) I joined men in walking to grave - about 1,000 men, I think. It was very crowded. I shook hands with and kissed Nimmer who was in a wheelchair.


Dad really wanted to go, Yusra would not let him and we got into it pretty bad. We kind of made up.

Church gave me 800 shekels for preaching and asked me to come back next week.

lovin' it

Sent mom flowers by FTD