I raised the subject of my dad's social security money with the madamm here. It led to hell. I was bad. She was really bad. We're not talking to each other now.
It got so bad, I led worship at church and someone said, "Steve is upset," later.
IT was fun to led worship at church though
I am preaching thursday night too
I heard her talk to her daughter about leaving etc. That would leave me here alone -- like last time they tried.
I went to bed scared I'd wake up and she'd be gone. She went to Ramallh with granddaughters. I really thought she wasn't coming back. I was so relieved when she did come back.
When I came home Sunday from Chruch she had muslim tv on all day till the night. She figured out its a way to get me out of the house.
it works. I hate listening to that evil spirits
Dad started crying when I came home from church. I asked him what was wrong. I didn't understand what he said. But I took him to sit outside and then we went to Atta's all his friends came by and he was happy. One reminded him of his van that wouldn't stop until he pumped the brakes for a mile. He started laughing
We have our blow ups about every two or three days. We then forget and go on as if nothing happened. Maybe we're both so stressed adn scared. I need her. She needs me. We're both scared that we will forsake each other. Kind of like a marriage.
God help me.
Monir Habib has been contacting me a lot lately. He's been a real rock in the midst of this all. It's ben so painful dealing with her. He's the only friend I can talk to. God is faithful to send help
they gave me 250 shekels after i led worship
What has been a strange blessing is a woman at church. She really like my preaching and always comes up to me afterwards to tell me how she was nominal christian but then gave her life to the Lord recently. She has had wonderful miracles with her husband and children and he sister came with her this week and accepted the Lord (or rededicated). thank you Father.
Atta also started preaching yesterday. He told me about a muslim who went to christian seminary. there he was quizzed by the priest and successfully answered all 40 questions. Then the muslim turned around and asked the priest "I just have one question for you. What is key of heaven."
The priest didn't know or whatever and said how islam is superior or something like that. So Atta asked me, "What is the key of heaven?" I said: "We don't use those expressions but if you mean what gets us into heaven, it the Blood of Jesus."
he asked over and over what I said as he didn't understand.
When he finally understood, he said: "Nooooooo. the final religion came and said...."
then he went on a tawhid trip. I asked him if it was written in the Quran. He said it was in many verses. then he went on a tangent and someone came up and we changed the subject
But I got to say: "WE (meaning Christians) say the blood of Jesus guarantees us access to heaven."
That was worth the trip