Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mahfouz' sons wedding

Yesterday I went to the wedding party in Beir Zeit with everyone in the van - Aziz, Najat, Amoura, Ribhia, Aziz wife. Went to Grand Hotel in Beir Zeit. Sat around in the outside smoking area with the men the whole time.
Had fun met some guys from Mizra'aa Sharqiyeh (where wife is from) the women were downstairs with Henna

When men got up to pray, I was on phone talking.

Tuesday I went to lunch at Umsabah restaurant Dibwani, more men came. It was fun got to know Mahfouz's oldest son 36 years old and the groom who is younger. He is a cable car driver in SF. Nice kids.

Today is wedding. Haven't gone yet.

Am really loving this worship song

Something I kind of have learned about myself. There seems to be a pattern of associating myself with the worst. I remember when I watched Ghostbusters all those times, I always associated myself with the loser neighbor. When I watched, "It could happen to you," I associated myself with the loser husband and so on and so on. I break this way of thinking in the Name of Jesus. I am a son of God in the power of the Mighty Holy Spirit. 

I am trying to be as nice as possible I've discovered how dark Yusara can be when hurt. It is frightening. I better walk on egg shells.

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