I made it to Deir Debwan today.
I woke up early and ate breakfast and then attempted to go
back to sleep. I didn’t.
Then on the bus to Ramallah, I met this German kid who
seemed real eager to talk to me. We talked. Turned out he is a tourist with
friends in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv who wanted to visit Arab cities. He hand been
to Bethlahem the day before and was going to Ramallah today.
I was scared to talk to him in English in the bus. I didn’t
want to be noticed.
But then I spoke to him as I was concerned for his own
He met some other germans on the bus and made plans to meet
with them later. I took him with me to meet Saleh and family. I saw Saleh’s
wife first and his son. Then we were taken into the underground wine cellar
he’s making which is made from a Roman cistern that was on his property.
Then I finally came home. Dad was inside the kitchen looking
at food on the table. Yusra was outside washing the mustaba.
Dad looked really good. He walks very slow. Tiny tiny steps.
I can barely make out some of the things he says.
He’s driving Yusra
She’s still here. I gotta say I have no small amount of
admiration for her. A few years back in 2013, when I came here. She and my
sisters concocted a plan. The Holy Spirit alerted me to it before I even got
It was kind of strange – I was supposed to start my program
on Al fady TV station. Father Zakaria had specifically pointed me out and said
that I had waited a long time and needed to be the first to have his own show.
Just then my dad had a stroke (a few months earlier Rick had
a stroke) and I had to come care for him.
What’s funny is that I am here just as I finished my 100th
episode of my program Message of Grace.
I guess I could say a few words about my program: It started
out slow, in terms of calls and audience participation and then never really
got the calls I thought it would
At the lowest point I can remember Peter (who says what I think everyone thinks) said: Your
boring show and No one watches this show and so on.
These words hurt a lot mainly because I believed he was
But in spite of this, they always wanted me to continue the
show. At first it was every other week on Monday and many, many Mondays it was
cancelled because of holidays that fall on Monday – Presidents Day, Veterans
Day, Memorial Day, and so on and so on. So much so that since 2013 when the
show started (after I went back after being with my Dad) I, in 2018, have only
100 shows. Azad has more than twice that many. Jaffar almost three times. I’m not
sure of YOhanna.
But they didn’t want to cancel the show. I was really
discouraged the other day when I got no calls after a program and went and
talked to the manager Riddha. I told him my concerns and said “Maybe we should
cancel the program as people aren’t calling,” etc.
He was adamant that we shouldn’t. He was completely
convinced of the shows importance in delivering Father Zakaria’s message in
English to the Western World.
I gleefully agreed. Then another thing happened “Jacob.”
Benyamin’s son got saved.
He started coming on the show with me and sharing his
testimony. It became (at least on Youtube and Vimeo) some of my most popular
In fact Jacob hosted me on our 100th show.
His excitement for the Lord is wonderful as he started coming
to church with me at Cottonwood and going to home group meetings where they
focus on the gifts of the Spirit. He is soaring there.
So I now feel the show is in a good place. We get some
original calls – from England, Europe and some in the U.S.
I must admit I wish there were more calls from Muslims. That
hasn’t happened in a big way. Yet.
I feel good about the show though.
Immediately after the 100th show I came here to
see Dad again as I was implored to do.
Himaydi came and spent three months here and he left. He has been faithful and
for his sake I feel I owe the family to help.
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