Thursday, May 17, 2018

Cinderella problems

Had blow up with step mom and took off in the midst of pretty distressing times. It was the day after the embassy opening in Jerusalem and the 60 people killed in Gaza. There were riots everywhere. The DCO was closed.
As soon as I left, Rahifa called. I didn't answer at first.
She called back later and she asked if I was leaving that day the 15th. I said no on the 29th.

I went the next day to Jerusalem and was refreshed when I sat in the Church of the Holy Seprluchre reading Psalm 22.

Came back to Ramallah -- first day of Ramadan now.

I called stepmom and apologized for bad words. She said I was just spoiled. Whatever

Came back and prepared message on Pslam 22 which I will share tonight.

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