Tuesday, May 8, 2018

music chip

As usually when I come here I have special music list I listeown n to.  This time around I am really listening alot to Petra, Second Chapter of Acts; November Rain, Stairway to Heaven; Lamb; a few of my own songs Shepherd of Love and Did you mean what you said.

When I take dad to the mosque I drop him off, walk down the hill and up to the coffee stand or to Amir's Bakery listening to the music. The music helps me to walk up the steep incline of the hill to the dawar.

Yusara on a bit of a trip. She  thinks that listeing to the shiekh on TV caused the metal plate on the bottom of the washer to come off. I saw it was off yesterday Iand  I told her so, but she's covinced that it was some demonic thing.

She's being meaner to dad than usual today.

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