Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Statement of Sorts

Everyday, I take dad to the mosque to pray
Somedays its in morning only and lately its been mornings and afternoons
What I do in the morning is take him. Someone usually takes him from me inside the mosque and seats him in the plastic chair way up front

Sometimes, I have to walk him all the way to the front

Then I walk out. In the morning I go to Amir Bakery by the village entrance and buy coffee.  I sit on a  fence nearby and listen to music = November Rain and Freebird and sermons I have recorded (myself in Arabic)

Then I start walking down towards the mosque and sit outside until prayer is done
I pick up dad and walk him home. Usually someone, usually my Uncle Issa puts his shoes on and brings him out.

People usually joke with him as I take him out. I joke along.

Lately some of the guys have been asking me to join them in prayer. The vegetable salesman Abdesalam was a bit more foreceful than I was comfortable with yesterday about how I should pray

Atta doesn't pressure me anymore.. don't know how long that will last

Another guys also said I should join them. ONe guy did so in Portuguese a few weeks ago

Nothing too major has happened. I go into the mosque with dad and take his shoes off and if there's a funeral I will shake hands with the family of the deceased. I remember Stephen saying how he does the actions as if praying he fAtiha when someone dies. Taysir said he would pray with them in the mosque doing the motions.

Today, N. told me that she took Dad to the mosque since I wasn't here. Ammo Isa took him from her and said, "Where is Husein is he preaching in a church," she said, 'He gets to pray too." and Amo Isa said, "God keep his father to him."

He said that in front of others at the mosque, she said.

I don't know what to think of that. I am nearing my last days here. It is the 13th. I leave on the 17th.

Lots of emotions --

my heart is breaking thinking of Dad.
I'm a little scared that they might set another trap for me
I feel guilty for Yusara
and Najat

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