Saturday, November 12, 2016

Jericho Road

The church had a conference in Jericho, I wasn't sure I was going to go because I already spent the night out a few nights ago on election night. But  I told Yusara how much the people have helped me (without mentioning that it was a church). She said it was fine for me to go since they helped me.

I went to Ramallah from Deir Debwan. Dad cried as  I left.
When I got to Ramalllah, I looked for a bus to Jericho. A bunch of people apparently were waiting and it wasn't coming. I asked a a driver how much it would cost to go to Jericho, he said, "150 shekels." I refused and went back and sat on the sidewalk.
As I sat, two young men walked by and one said, 120 shekels to Jericho. I followed them and rode with them. We went the Yibrood road and through Silwad on way to Taibeh and then Jericho. I feared a little that the two guys might do something but everything was alright.

I was a little nervous about going because of being so far from home but when I got there, the President Mahmoud A. whole security apparatus was there. I asked for angels the next best thing I guess is the presidents security guards.

I also saw the president

It was a great conference with Joel Rosenburg as main speaker and others. Fadi and Sandrene, Wael, Magdy and Rima, Milad and his dad, Fatula and Simon, Pastor Mazen and his wife; Rima Halabi and so many other close friends were there.
On first day, a woman came up to me with one of the presidents prot. guys. His name was like mine. He went on and on about how much he loved Jesus and wanted to be a Christian and be baptized.

I talked to him for a long time and translated for him when he watned to talk to the speaker who was the pastor of a Hungtington Beach Church the Refuge

we kept telling him to pray and he said he wanted to be videotaped the next day praying with the pastor fo Refuge. But the next day he was real busy and never came around. I spoke to hima little but he didn't come around

still it was a great night even though I was stuck in a room with two other guys and one had to sleep on the floor because there wore only two beds. I offered to sleep on floor

Rima told me somethign that made me sad. Magdy told Joe and Rima that he wanted to take some time off and spend time together as a family. But Joe said, "It's too late. I learned to live alone. When the house was full of people, I would go into my room and cry. I support what you do but I learned to live alone."

She said she had permission to share this. She also said he only like to go the MBB church

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