Saturday, November 12, 2016

Simmering Sadness

There is a sadness in watching Dad struggle so hard to walk and talk
One time, when we went out with my friends from Ramallah, he seemed
so desirous of communicating but was unable to. He started crying

Today I was taking him to the mosque. We started walking together and he
as usual led the way. But instead of going to the mosque he went to Atta's store.

When I asked him where he wanted to go he said the mosque so we walked from there
to the mosque

I wonder how much he knows of what is going on around him

One time, he was talking about Najat and apparently forgot her name he kept
pointing toward her house and said "the one who lives down there..."

There's several dimensions to the sadness -- seeing Dad walk - he moves so slowly
his inability to talk

one of the hardest times was when we went out with Isa and family and Isa said: "My father is like your father," and my dad's attention was immediately drawn to him as if there was a point of connection and he tried to continue the conversation but was limited by his speech

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