It all happened so suddenly
The Stroke
That was 2013
Everything changed forever. Then
He used to walk all over
He would talk to folks
They'd talk to him
His kids were as per "usual"
Neglectful -- maybe he was too
But love was never doubted
His tender heart towards
Some of his kids
And harder towards others
But not all that's gone. Forever
The stroke took away much
Of his ability to communicate
He still thought he had
His unmatched flair with words
He knew several languages
Fluently but never read or wrote
He was funny
He was clever
He was humble
He was greatly beloved
Then the Stroke in 2013
It took a while to know what
He didn't know at first
It was a haze
All his kids, almost, came
to his beside
His relatives and friends all came
For a while
He wasn't sure
Everything was like it was
Isn't it?
But people didn't seem to
He needed to be understood
How can you get the punchline
If you don't understand
the words of the joke
So many ways to say it
He kept trying
He'd never give up
But all the sudden
He couldn't bathe himself anymore
He needed help
His sons and daughters started
bathing him. cleaning him
taking him to the bathroom
So humiliating at first
then grudgingly you understand
they dont want to do this
anymore than you want them to
do it
Helicopter flying over head
Sounds like war
War is excitement
amidst the dreary reality
for so long
the kids try so hard,
some do
to feed, clean
It doesn't seem to work
but then it does
Dad always said that when
people get old they revert
to childhood
Yup. He was right
Nowadays he can
shuffle around weakly
Everyone tells him
He will be rewarded by God
for the suffering he is
Some dare say
"Any thing from Allah is so sweet."
Of course those people
Are living a sweet life
They deserve to, of course
You reap what you sow
Dad tried anger and complaining
to those closest to him
the kids call once a month
sometimes twice
the tension is palpable
I know. I am one of the kids
I did what they are doing
I'd call every month or so
My excuse always seemed valid
It was too hard to talk to him
It was easier not too
Everyone would surely
Or at least not care enough
to confront this
Dad is barely able to stand up straight
He is so weak
His brothers and cousins
are kind of mean to be honest
he still wants to go to mosque and
be with them and pray
its so easy to feel bad for the underdog
forgetting he was once not the underdog
and when he was "not the underdog"
He was mean sometimes too
Now none of that matters
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