Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Near Perfect Day

Went to lunch with Najat and Dad at Mazan restaurant in Jiffna. Beautiful restaurant and they played "El Hob Kolo" by Um Kolthoum for us. It was great

Then  I went with Michael to Ramle where I preached about Idols:

Three first commandments
I am the Lord Your God You shall have no other
You shall make no idols
You shall not take the Name of the Lord in vain

Why so much idolatry?
Why so many people deceived by idols?
500 million Bhuddists
1.4   billion Muslims
1 billion hindus

Flee from Idolatry

1.       I dolatry most serious and contaminating  تلويث because it strikes right at the character of God
2.       Idol      15 times
3.       Idols      102
4.       Gods 244
5.       Images   71
6.       Image 80

A.      Idolatry slanders God’s character – Idolatrous heart assumes God is other than who or what He is. Have unworthy or erroneous views of God
1.       Mak’r (deceiver)
2.       Holy and angry
3.       Loving and unholy
4.       You thought I was altogether like you
5.       Far away unconcerned
6.       Santa Claus
7.       Job’s friends
8.        احتمى غضبي عليك وعلى كلا صاحبيك لانكم لم تقولوا فيّ الصواب كعبدي ايوب.

9.  1 وانما اقول ما دام الوارث قاصرا لا يفرق شيئا عن العبد مع كونه صاحب الجميع.
10.       2 بل هو تحت اوصياء ووكلاء الى الوقت المؤجل من ابيه.
11.       3 هكذا نحن ايضا لما كنا قاصرين كنا مستعبدين تحت اركان العالم.
12.       4 ولكن لما جاء ملء الزمان ارسل الله ابنه مولودا من امرأة مولودا تحت الناموس
13.       5 ليفتدي الذين تحت الناموس لننال التبني.
14.       6 ثم بما انكم ابناء ارسل الله روح ابنه الى قلوبكم صارخا يا ابا الآب.
15.       7 اذا لست بعد عبدا بل ابنا وان كنت ابنا فوارث للّه بالمسيح

Worshipping God in the wrong way – Jesus said the Father seeks those who will worship in Spirit and in truth. Sometimes we get this the Spirit but not truth.. We enjoy the emotions and power which we should but we forget the truth to where our worship doesn’t change us.

B.      Made an image of God. It wasn’t even another god it was a  supposed image of God
Worship isn’t based on emotion but has to be based on truth –

Idolatry is worshipping any image

Isaiah 47 – he makes a fire with the wood, eats and is full. With the rest makes an idol and bows to it
Don’t replace image for reality

2 Cor. 4:4
انجيل مجد المسيح الذي هو صورة الله.

Colossian 1:15

 الذي هو صورة الله غير المنظور 

Hebrew 1:3
 الذي وهو بهاء مجده ورسم جوهره

Worship of angels

Worship of devils
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
Worship of dead mean
Psalm 106:28

Eph. 5:5
         No covetous man who is an idolater

Money   1 Tim 6

Get money between you and God and you can’t see Him anymore

9.  Lust – Php 3:19
Whose god is their belly
Whose glory is their shame

What Idolatry does to us
Idolatry defiles us
Defiles everyone around them
They can’t help you
They won’t do anything for you

Carry it
It wont move
Wont hear
Wont speak
Won’t see
Bring guilt that activate God’s vengeance

Pride makes a god of self, covetousness makes a god of money, sensuality makes a god of the belly; whatever is esteemed or loved, feared or served, delighted in or depended on, more than God, that (whatever it is) we do in effect make a god of

Spent the night in Ramallah and came home in morning 

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