Saturday, September 24, 2016

Taking Dad

the last few days been taking dad to mo. I take him down and each time there has been someone there that takes him in and seats him on a chair.
then I meet him at the end and walk him home. yesterday brought him up the steep seneda in front of Samir's but today just took him the easier one on the way to Atta's store.

He tried to get me to go in with him yesterday, I told him no.

I sat outside yesterday "Friday" and there were other men sitting in front of the Kahwa who didn't go in either. That made me feel better. The cafe manager told me when the men started coming out of the mosque so I could go get Dad.

Today, I was alone with no chairs sitting on the fence. I read my passport and listened to Graham Kendrick Amazing Love. I also bought some body shampoo at the pharmacy

No questions or confrontations yet but I don't know how long this will last

Everyone is very supporting and happy when I come get Dad. They are happy that I am walking with him. Even Atta came up as we were leaving and asked if Dad wanted to fight (in Atta's way). I said I don't get involved and laughed. Several offered to drive us home but Dad said no. we walked and he sat at Atta's store for a while.

Kind of crazy when you think about it.

I'm sitting outside while everyone inside.

The day before I went to Jerusalem and Western U. I also ate at McDonalds and saw several street musician it was cool:
Teh videos are posted on fAcebook September 22

I called Maisoun to ask her about how to deal with these family issues. 

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