Tuesday, March 19, 2019

another not so easy day

woke up early bathed dad and took him wiht Najat to hospital. HE had a shot of Zoladex:
got back after hot, long, crowded driving and pushing wheel chair in Ramallah hospital and   all over Ramallah. It was a very tiring day and since I didn't sleep very well.

when i got back dad didn't want to go in. He wanted to go out. I was so tired and wanted to rest. He didn't want to. He kept trying to go out.

finally i took him out to sit outside the gate. then i went to buy juice and came back. he and yusra were walking

then I said I wanted to visit Wasfieh. I did and took a long time. When I got back yusra was furious at me for something or other about dad.

later Yusra said to me when I said I want to go to the store: Go there but don't go anywhwere else. I said"I'll go wherever I want."

it was a breaking free moment

I gave dad the meds  before bedtime.

I think I learned something about dad at night. When he starts kicking and stuff to get up. Let him get up and walk to bathroom or whatever and then show him that it is night and take him back to bed. It worked last night

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